
otrtool aims to provide an open source tool to deal with otrkey-files from OnlineTvRecorder.com. At the moment it is able to decrypt them, in the future a download manager and/or EPG could be added.

Produces nice output!

$ ./otrtool -x Foo-Bar.otrkey
OTR-Tool, v0.5-0-g1c8a465
Enter your eMail-address: foo@bar.tld
Enter your      password: god
Trying to contact server...
Server responded.
Keyphrase: ACBD18DB4CC2F201037B51D194A71054FCCC4A4D8136F6524F2D51F2
[========================================] 100%

Packages for your distribution of choice

If you miss a package, contact me!

It would be nice to have package maintainers that frequently use the distribution in question. Currently this only is the case for the gentoo-package.

The rpm and deb based packages were built using the suse build services: home:pyropeter:otrtool.

Arch Linux


Debian Lenny

Debian Sid

Sid is not (yet?) supported by the suse build service. The Lenny package could work, try it.

Ubuntu 10.04: Lucid Lynx

OpenSUSE 11.3


This list will only contain major and minor updates, no bugfix releases.

1.1 development

  • No changes yet

1.0 stable

  • Offers to overwrite destination file
  • Piping in otrkeys using tail -f now works
  • Nicer error messages ;-)


  • otrtool -h slimmed down to “important” commands
  • (various bugfixes)

How to install from source

Get source

  • stable: tarball
  • development: tarball
  • git repository: git clone git://github.com/pyropeter/otrtool.git

Install dependencies

The dependencies are:

  • libmcrypt
  • libcurl / curl


$ make

After that, copy the following files to the places they belong:

  • ./otrtool (the main binary)
  • ./otrtool.1.gz (the gzip’ed manpage)
  • ./LICENSE (the (rights waiver) license)


E-Mail:                 com.googlemail@abi1789
IRC:                    PyroPeter at freenode

Reporting Bugs

For bug reports please run otrtool with the “-v”-option. Note that the output contains personal data like your email/password, and/or hashes of them.


In April, 2010, eddy14 reverse-engineered the otrkey-file-format and OTRs Client-Server-protocol. He described his work in a german blog post. He also wrote a proof-of-concept tool to decrypt OTRKEYs. I rewrote it in proper C and without licensing issues.


You are free to do anything with otrtool. For details, see the LICENSE file.